It didn't come out quite as I had pictured in my mind, as the lights were just a bit darker and more varied than I thought once they were all cut up and jumbled together. However, overnight Friday I threw out the mental picture and was more than happy to keep working on my Christmas quilt on and off between chores on Saturday.
I can't believe how quickly this came together, and I can't believe how little fussing I had to do to match up my seams. Why is it that in some projects the seams just seem to line up all on their own, while in others, where in theory they should also line up beautifully, they just won't no matter how much pinning and seam ripping and starting over I do? I'll just savour the victory in this case. :)
Looking at the picture I see places I wish I had oriented the four-patches differently to put less emphasis on the lights, but then I look at the actual quilt and I don't notice them. Isn't it interesting how scale really makes a difference in what you see?
Speaking of scale, Ann Hermes can rest assured that I won't be stealing customers for mini quilt items. I made these five little ornaments for myself and while I'm pleased with them I'm not in a rush to mass-produce any! Talk about fiddly little pieces! The two smaller ornaments are 2 1/4 inch square. The larger ones are 3 inches square.
Now that I've gotten these two Christmas projects taken care of, I guess I should backtrack to Halloween. Sometime before trick-or-treat I need to make Pippi Longstocking's braids stick out straight...
I almost forgot - the quilt design is Scrappy Prairie Queen by Sandra L. Hatch. I made the blocks smaller but the idea is hers.
I almost forgot - the quilt design is Scrappy Prairie Queen by Sandra L. Hatch. I made the blocks smaller but the idea is hers.