Every day this week I've woken up thinking this would be the day I'd have time to get things done in the sewing department, and every day it hasn't happened. When there's no milk or veggies left in the fridge it's time to do groceries, and when there are no more clean socks, that's my cue to get around to laundry. Let’s not talk about the state of the bathroom...and will you look at the time, it's time to run to school and collect the kids... In a nutshell, the things I was waiting to finish before writing a post aren't done.
However, I did make progress on various projects last weekend. First up, the socks.

I finished them Sunday night and they’ve been worn to school already. I could probably have made them a touch longer in the foot. I’ll know for the next pair. They really were not as difficult to knit as I’d imagined. I’d always heard about the dreaded “turning the heel”, but the pattern instructions were very clear and easy to follow. Isn’t the internet great?
Next up, remember this quilt? It has been waiting a while for the promised borders and prairie points.

i I It acquired 3-inch borders on the weekend but is still waiting for the points. I used the method that yields a continuous string of prairie points instead of having to make and place each one individually. I was quite pleased with my string of points.
These are made from 3” squares. They looked great on their own, but I’m glad I set this strip on the quilt before making the strips for the remaining three sides. The scale was all wrong!
It looks like little saw teeth or a pinked edge, not quite what I envisioned. After a moment or two of dejection, I regrouped and cut a few squares to audition point sizes, which I suppose I should have done in the first place! I settled on points made from 4-inch squares. I also decided that with the continuous prairie points method the points end up overlapping more than I like for this particular quilt, so I’m making the 100 points individually after all so that I can adjust the overlap. I’m glad I had enough fabric left to start over in a new size.
Once the points are on (hopefully tomorrow?) this quilt will be ready to baste and quilt. I want to machine quilt it, so I need to practice. I know I’ve said that before, but really, I’ve now taken concrete steps towards practicing. Here’s the last project I completed on the weekend:
I cut a stack of batting and fabric to make practice quilt sandwiches. Now I can’t use the excuse that I don’t have sandwich fixings to grab when I have 10 spare minutes to practice. Yup, I’ll be practicing any minute now, if I can just pull myself away from blogs…
One last thing. Last night I just needed to FINISH something, so I made a cute little wallet from a pattern I got for my birthday. This only took about 30 minutes to make. It still needs a snap closure, which I didn’t have on hand, but I’m counting it as a finish anyway.