I finished the quilting on the swap quilt earlier this week. Yay!
Now I am finishing up the prairie point edge, sewing the backing fabric to the back of the prairie points. I took pictures to show the process, because I don’t think I did a very good job explaining to Mom on the phone last night.
Update 30 January 2015: For a more detailed explanation of finishing a prairie point edge, as well as information on planning, folding and attaching points, see my new
Prairie Point Tutorial Series
First, sew the prairie points to the front of the quilt
before you quilt it. Stop any quilting about an inch away from the edge of the quilt. I questioned that suggestion, but I’m glad I followed it because now that I’m finishing the back I see that you need that unquilted space to maneuver.
Once the quilting is done, trim the backing fabric about
half an inch larger than the raw edge of the quilt top (you could do less, but I like having more turn-under to work with).
Trim the batting a
quarter inch smaller than the raw edge of the quilt top.
Flip the prairie points out away from the quilt. The batting will tuck under the seam allowance.
Fold the edge of the backing fabric so the fold just covers the seam line on the prairie points. Pin and hand stitch to the prairie points.
Here’s the back. Getting the corner of the backing nice and pointy and not visible from the front of the quilt was fiddly. If anyone has any tips on how to do it I’m open to suggestions.
Here’s the front. Only one more side to stitch and the quilt will be finished!
And here’s a peek at my incentive to finish the swap quilt today:

These were on sale today and I’m allowed to play with them as soon as the swap quilt is done.