I remembered reading about this but couldn’t remember where so I Googled “quilt basting frame” and came up with several references and some instructions. I settled on the inexpensive option: four 8 foot long pieces of 1x2 lumber, 4 C-clamps and strips of inexpensive muslin. I had to cut two of the pieces of lumber down to 7 feet so I could use this frame downstairs with the low ceilings. I wrapped the wood with the muslin, tacking the muslin down in a few spots with a staple gun. I then used the C-clamps to clamp the pieces into a rectangular frame just a bit smaller than my quilt backing. All the instructions said to balance the frame on 4 straight-backed chairs, but lacking those I balanced two ends on small tables of similar height.
Next I spread the batting on top, then smoothed the quilt top on top of that. I pin basted all the way around the edges then enlisted help to prop the frame up against the wall.
It worked! No sagging, no crawling around on hands and knees, no wrinkling of the quilt sandwich while crawling around and no accidental pinning of anything to the carpet!
This was easier than trying to baste in sections on the kitchen table, too. It also had the advantage of not having to get all the basting done in one go so we could clear the table for supper. I sat in a chair to baste the bottom half, and stood for the top half.
Now for the next step!
Sneak peek…