Unlike the past 2 or 3 tears, we have had rain this summer. yay! My garden is looking happy for the first time in a long while so I thought I’d share.

The tipsy pots! Love these.

Daisies and blanket flowers flanking a barrel full of celosia and purple sweet potato vine. The yellow coreopsis behind the daisies started blooming after I took the picture.

Daylilies. Their bloom time is almost over now, but they have been splashing their color around for the last month or so.

Purple fountain grass, coreopsis, coneflower. Sweet potato vine, lilies and daisies. Black-eyed Susan (very late to bloom this year, just starting).

Phlox. Sunflower.

Asiatic lilies. One of these years we’ll manage to keep the rabbits from stripping all the leaves off the stems so these beauties might have a chance to multiply and come up in gorgeous bunches instead of single blooms.

The swing set birdfeeder. My son built the storage bench in the background with guidance from my dad last month. The sunflowers are volunteers planted by the birds. We pulled a lot of sprouts but left a few to fill in blank spots and bloom and make the birds happy. They like to pluck the seeds out of the flower centers.

Coreopsis, daisies and feather reed grass. The daisy clumps are all blooming heavily now, even prettier, which I suppose begs the question why I didn’t go out and take another picture…but it’s dark now, so these pictures will have to do for now.

The castle, now a glorified planter. By the end of summer the German ivy in the tower will be spilling halfway down the tower.

Behind this volunteer sunflower is half the veggie garden. Honestly, the volunteer sunflowers look better and sturdier than the ones we planted on purpose. Next year I think we’ll skip the seed packets and take our chances with the birdseed!

You can see we have a bit of a gnome problem. There must be at least half a dozen out there plotting to infiltrate the house.

In past years the impatiens I planted around these hostas completely covered the ground with mounds of color. I think the past years’ flowers have used up the nutrients in the soil and I didn’t add enough compost this spring to replenish it. Note for next spring…

Herbs and marigolds in early June, then late June. And another gnome.

Lilies and switch grass below the deck. Sweet potato vine, red salvia, annual vinca and marigolds in the boxes. The sweet potato is finally spilling over like I wanted it to, unlike the sorry (or perhaps just thirsty) specimens from the last couple of years.
That’s about it. There’s also a lovely little shaded corner with a small patio and Adirondack chairs, but the rabbits, and possibly some deer, have wreaked havoc there this year so it looks a little sorry. I haven’t been inspired to pull out the camera to document the nibbling (well, more like feasting than nibbling).
How is your garden growing this summer?