Monday, October 27, 2014

Snowalong Week 5!

Let’s have a few cheers for Judy and Sandra who both linked up last week!  I hope you popped over to see their eye candy.  Over in the Facebook group Deanna posted pictures of her 4 lovely snowflakes, and Cindy showed us her first one – her first ever paper pieced block too!  Whoot whoot!

Snowflake 5Snowflake 6 cropped square

You’ll find extra options for week 5 of the Snowalong.  Adding just one line to the Snowflake 5 templates created new designs and I couldn’t resist.  Snowflake 6 is just Snowflake 5 plus one extra seam line, so I went ahead and lumped the two together this week.  You could use Snowflake 6 templates to make Snowflake 5, but I included both sets anyway.

I included 4 variations for snowflake 5:

Snowflake 5  v1Snowflake 5  v2Snowflake 5  v3Snowflake 5  v4

There are at least 3 variations for Snowflake 6:

Snowflake 6  v1Snowflake 6  v2Snowflake 6  v3

Download the patterns here.  This pattern will be free for two weeks.

Update June 23, 2019: Patterns 5 and 6 are now available for purchase as part of Snowflakes Sampler Set 3 or Snowflakes Blocks Complete Set, both in my Etsy shop.


We’re almost done!  There will be one more snowflake pattern next week. How many have you tried?  Any pictures to share?  Link up to your blog post or post pictures in the Facebook group.

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  1. These lovely flakes have me wanting to drop everything and make them, but I am unable, with holiday sewing ahead of me. Thanks for the patterns. I look forward to making them!

  2. All of your flakes are just awesome! Too bad PP is not really my thing :)

  3. I am continually intrigued with the different variations that are possible with each block! Thank you agian for a lovely set of patterns :-)

  4. I hate to keep repeating myself, but you do truly amaze me! After looking at Judy's and Sandra's snowflakes, I'm also certain you are a very good teacher! ---"Love"

  5. Got the patterns..... eventually I'll find an hour to make a snowflake block up this week.... I hope! I do see a snowflake quilt in my future with these patterns. Thanks so much Joanne for all your wonderful designs and instructions.


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