Saturday, July 1, 2017

Happy Canada Day! and a linky party

Happy 150 years Canada!

I put the last stitches in yesterday with just a few hours to spare!

Each white leaf is labelled with a province or territory.  I had planned to include the date each joined Confederation, but they would have been too small to be legible.

Thank you to all who commented on my last post and talked me off the ledge, so to speak.  I put down the seam ripper and left the 150 and dates the way they were, and that was the right thing to do!

Rosie approves!

Now, please link up below to share  your own Canada-themed projects, finished or in progress, this pattern or any other!  If you don't have a blog to link up but you're on Facebook, add your picture to the comments on the Canada Day post on my facebook page (  If Instagram is your things, post with the hashtag #CanadaQuiltParty.

PS: Today is your last opportunity to download this pattern for free at  Starting tomorrow, it will be available for purchase.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


  1. Your quilt top was already beautiful, but your quilting put it over the top! A perfect tribute to the 150th anniversary of confederation. How many treats does Rosie require for a photo shoot? Lulu seems to think that one is not enough.

  2. Your quilt is incredibly beautiful, and such a tribute to your beloved Canada! Your detailed quilting with so much historical information is so special. Your red fabric is pretty, and your background fabric was a terrific choice with its printed news articles. Your quilt is quite a treasure for sure, and made with much love for your homeland! Congratulations on a gorgeous finish! ---"Love"

  3. What an amazing quilt! So glad you left the 150 as is - it is perfect. Great job and Happy Canada Day!

  4. Happy Canada Day! Your quilt is gorgeous - the quilting is the perfect. So glad you got it finished! ~Jeanne

  5. It's a triumph and a fitting tribute to Canada's special milestone. My Grandmother and all her sisters married Canadians, so I always have a special fondness for the country and its people. Happy Canada Day!

  6. Beautiful quilt! You must be ecstatic to have it all done for today!

  7. It is beautiful, Joanne. I am sorry I didn't have time to make it, but I think I will eventually, for my hubby's Canadian heritage.

  8. Canuck Quilter, What a wonderful finish!! Your circles worked quite well for this. I have been stymied as to how to quilt mine, and you have now given me some ideas. Thanks for the pattern and inspiration ... as you have seen, I changed it up to let me put the province/territory names and years on. I think we were both surprised 1/2 way through when we discovered we were both planning that extra touch. Thank you SO much for sharing ... and giving me some much-needed inspiration.

  9. Such a beautiful quilt to commemorate a wonderful occasion.
    Happy Canada Day.

  10. This came out terrific! I really like the quilting details. I'm glad you didn't rip the stuff out. What fun. I'm looking forward to what others post as well.

  11. Hi Joanne, your quilt is really great. You did a wonderful job! I really hope to make it someday soon. Hope you had a good Canada Day :-) Thanks for linking up to Celebrate - Fêtons 150!

  12. Every time I see this, it just reinforces how much I love it! It's still my favorite!

  13. Your Canada Day quilt is lovely and something you can be proud of! It's especially nice that the pattern was free and I loved looking at the quilts that others had made using your pattern for inspiration.

  14. Your quilt is lovely! Thank for sharing!

  15. Your Canada Day quilt is gorgeous. I love the fabrics and the circular quilting around the large star. You did such a nice job with a great pattern.

  16. I am very interested in the printed fabric in the background. Could you please tell me the name of it and where I could purchase some? My hubby's family is from Canada and I thought he might get a charge out of it. Dawn Rochester NY

    1. Your comment came through with a n
      "no-reply" address, and I couldn't find an email address , so I hope you check back here! The fabric is from Northcott Fabrics' Canadian Sesquicentennial Celebration line. If you go to this link ( there is a search box to help you find retailers who carry the fabric. Good luck!


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