Here's one project in my current pattern-writing queue.
Some things take time. When I created my snowflake block patterns 8 years ago, I had vague plans to make a quilt with all 26 snowflakes. It took me almost 5 years to get around to it, but I finally decided on a setting and made Simply Snow in 2019.
At that time the block patterns were only available as a PDF download. I had grand plans to include them in a printed pattern for Simply Snow, but that didn't happen. Why not? The combination of snowflake templates and cutting charts and setting instructions for multiple size options ballooned to a ridiculous size. It would have been more appropriate for a book than a stand-alone pattern. I wasn't really excited to figure out book proposals or self-publishing and marketing. The whole project was set aside "until later".
In fall 2021 I decided to publish the snowflake blocks on their own as a stand-alone printed pattern to make them available to shops. The blocks can be used in any project that calls for 9" blocks. I've used them in runners and bags. I included photos and quilt mockups for snowflake project inspiration on my website.
Today, Simply Snow has perked back up to the top of my list of patterns to write. It isn't pretty yet. I think it's probably a good thing I put it on the back burner in 2019, because with a few more years of pattern writing experience, I think the pattern will be much more organized. You can see above that I'm doing some heavy editing! My process is very low-tech, making liberal use of pen and paper. I'm happy to report I have made more progress since I took this photo a few weeks ago. The pattern is looking much prettier now, and is about 95% ready.
How did I get around the ridiculous number of pages? I didn't. I'll keep selling the snowflake block pattern separately, and offer the setting instructions as a free download for now. The free part may change eventually, but it will at least start out that way.
So, if you have the snowflake patterns and have been waiting to set them into a quilt, maybe this is what you've been needing. I'll let you know how to access it when it's available. Soon. Very soon!
UPDATE: Simply Snow is now available here.