This method makes many perfectly sized and perfectly square HST at a time, quickly and easily.
If you've used Thangles or any sort of triangle papers, you know what to do. For those of you who have not, here's a quick look at the process. Whenever I include a triangle-paper template option in a pattern I also include instructions, but photos can illustrate this in more detail.
I'm demonstrating using the template for HST1 from my Half and Half pattern. This one makes 16 HST at a time.
1. Print out the template as many times as needed to make the number of units you need. Be sure to choose "no scaling" or "actual size" or "100%" in your printer settings.
2. Measure the 1" box to make sure the template printed out the correct size. The box should measure 1" on every side.
2. Trim the excess paper outside the grey area. This can be a rough cut. It doesn't need to be precise.
3. Layer your fabrics, right sides together, followed by the paper template, right side up. To plan ahead for pressing to the dark side later, layer fabrics as shown, dark on the bottom, followed by the light, then the paper. You can pin the layers in place if you wish.
5. Decrease your sewing machine's stitch length to make it easier to remove the paper later. I set mine to 1.5 on my machine. Sew through the three layers, sewing on every dashed line on the template. It's OK to stitch in the grey margins to travel to the next dashed line.
Where is the template for many at a time?
ReplyDeleteThe templates are included in the Two-Colour Mystery pattern. If you're registered for the sew along, that part of the pattern should have shown up in your inbox this morning. Otherwise, the entire pattern will be available to buy on April 11.
DeleteI couldn’t find it either.
ReplyDeleteDid you check your email this morning? The templates are on pages 3 and 4 of the Week 3 instructions.
DeleteI cannot find the 1/2 square template to use today
ReplyDeleteDid you check your email this morning? The templates are on pages 3 and 4 of the Week 3 instructions.
DeleteOh my goodness that WAS a cool way to make a lot of HST all at once!
ReplyDeleteRight? I'm so glad it worked for you.
DeleteI’ve never tried making HSTs using paper like that. Looks like a good way to make lots of HSTs.
ReplyDeleteHi Joanne, I'm intrigued by your method to make so many HSTs at a time but since I'm actually confidant in making 2 at a time (and I thought that was radical :-)), that's what I did and it worked out great. My new post is at