Monday, July 15, 2024

Playing with Curvy Log Cabins

Curvy log cabin blocks have intrigued me since I saw a quilt made with them at a quilt show several years ago. I have played with a few designs in EQ over the last couple of years, but never got around to actually sewing any curvy log cabins until this month.  

Aren't these cute?  I chain sewed 8 blocks with a sew and trim method rather than individually cutting the logs. I thought it would be faster this way, and I think it was, but I can see how inaccuracy could creep in if you aren't careful.  I'm still on the fence about the best way to make these.

I had fun trying different layouts on the design wall.  Unlike traditional log cabins where all the logs are the same width, curvy log cabins have thinner logs on two sides, resulting in a curved effect where light meets dark.  That opens up curvy design options.

The wave is pretty subtle here.

This is a bit more obvious.

How about some huge petals?

Looking for something a bit more compact:

You can't get much curvier than a circle.

As much fun as I have trying out different ideas in my EQ designs software, it was refreshing to try out designs in actual fabric and thread.  I have the makings of a quilt on the design wall right now, and it doesn't resemble any of the designs I had sitting in my EQ files the last couple of years.  I really like where it's headed, and I'm not sure I want to relegate the design to the back of my red scrappy Half and Half quilt as I originally planned. I think I may be making The Accidental Quilt #2. (You can read about the first Accidental Quilt here.)

How do you feel about log cabin blocks?  Like them?  Loathe them?  Like the look but not the work?  Let me know in the comments.

Happy quilting,



  1. They certainly have a variety of looks depending on the placement. That snakey, curved design is visually interesting. Wonder how it would look in a scrappy version.

  2. I love making log cabin quilts and have made two of the circle layout of the curved log cabin blocks. It might just be time to play with a different layout…thanks for the inspiration!

  3. I, too, have loved the look of the curvy log cabins for many years. So much so that I purchased a special ruler. And there it sits. I'm not a huge fan of making log cabin blocks, so I guess that's why I stalled out? I like the option with the white interior - it kinda screams for some kind of applique or embroidery. And the circles... I think that's why I bought the ruler. Maybe it's time to dig it out? Such pretty blocks, they deserve to be on the front or a quilt.

  4. I enjoyed your experiments with log cabin blocks and I like the cu r ved effect. My favorite is the circle design, and I like the petal one too. A heart shape could be fun to try! Kaye Mattson

  5. Love these. I’ve been wanting to try making log cabin blocks but was put of with the cutting. Love your idea ❤️❤️

  6. It's amazing all the different patterns you can make with log cabins. It's on my bucket list.

  7. I've been intrigued by wavy log cabins too! I actually love log cabins and the last one I did was with FPP. Thanks so much for sharing yours and the different designs you can make with them. It is a surprising versatile block, isn't it, depending on how you place it. Your stitching is always immaculate.

  8. What a coincidence, just this past Wed I was looking on Pinterest at curvy log cabin blocks and now you're blogging about it. Weird, right?! I do like them and see them in my future.


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